SNB: Highlights
Black vs White
Sunday Night Baseball (Black vs White) is an event that features the state's top up and coming talent. The boys were up there hacking at Sunday Night Baseball last weekend. Dacoda Agoto racked up two more hits while Matt Miura added 2 more triples to his campaign. 2025 prospect Mana Lau Kong also logged a triple. Arizona State commit Nu'u Contrades hit the ball hard all night and ended up with a triple and single. 2025 Micah Shintaku also roped one up the middle.
Top prospects
Sunday Night Baseball (Black vs White) is an event that features the state's top up and coming talent. Agoto and Parags topped out at 87 and 88 MPH while newcomers Smith and Morisaki sat in the low 80s. Some of the state's top hitters such as Nolan Souza, Matt Miura, Aiva Arquette, Joey Wilson, and Xander Sielken were up there hacking. Even speedster Jaden Miranda connected with one.